Diferencia entre revisiones de «Rsync»

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(At host to backup (as root))
(At host to backup (as root))
Línea 53: Línea 53:
==Commands to run==
==Commands to run==
===At host to backup (as root)===
===At host to backup (as root)===
''If root ssh access is enable''' you can create the user with UID=0, and no problems with permisions:
'''If root ssh access is enable''' you can create the user with UID=0, and no problems with permisions:
  useradd -g 0 -o --uid 0 rbackup
  useradd -g 0 -o --uid 0 rbackup

Revisión del 22:33 3 oct 2006

short selection of rsync parameters

-a, --archive

-a, --archive               archive mode

same as -rlptgoD (no -H)

 -r, --recursive             recurse into directories
 -l, --links                 copy symlinks as symlinks
 -p, --perms                 preserve permissions
 -t, --times                 preserve times
 -g, --group                 preserve group
 -o, --owner                 preserve owner (super-user only)
 -D                          same as --devices --specials


-v, --verbose               increase verbosity
-u, --update                skip files that are newer on the receiver
-z, --compress              compress file data during the transfer
-e, --rsh=COMMAND           specify the remote shell to use
-h, --human-readable        output numbers in a human-readable format
    --progress              show progress during transfer
-f, --filter=RULE           add a file-filtering RULE

for incrementals

-b, --backup                destination files are renamed
  --backup-dir=DIR          for incremental backups


--max-size=SIZE         don't transfer any file larger than SIZE
--bwlimit=KBPS          limit I/O bandwidth; KBytes per second

Working files syncronization / desktop <--> notebook


# Run this at the notebook

rsync -avuze 'ssh -p 22' --delete $USER@$HOST:/srv/gacq/rsync/ rsync


# Run this at the notebook

rsync -avuze 'ssh -p 22' --delete rsync $USER@$HOST:/srv/gacq/

Backing up system configuration and notebook only files (ssh)

Commands to run

At host to backup (as root)

If root ssh access is enable you can create the user with UID=0, and no problems with permisions:

useradd -g 0 -o --uid 0 rbackup

If not

useradd -g 0 -G daemon,dip,lpadmin,shadow,sasl rbackup
passwd rbackup
su - rbackup
mkdir -p /home/rbackup/.ssh
chmod 700 /home/rbackup/.ssh
chown -R rbackup.root /home/rbackup

At backup server (as root)

ssh-keygen -t dsa -f diskarray.gacq.com-id_dsa
scp diskarray.gacq.com-id_dsa.pub rbackup@diskarray.gacq.com:.ssh/authorized_keys

Test the key:

ssh -i diskarray.gacq.com-id_dsa.pub rbackup@diskarray.gacq.com

script (ssh)

# Configuration:

date=`date +%F_%T | tr \: _`

mkdir -p $dir
mkdir -p $incremental
mkdir -p $dumps

rsync -auzvh \
  -e "ssh -l $USER -i $HOST-id_dsa" \
  --delete \
  --filter='+ /etc/' \
  --filter='+ /etc/**' \
  --filter='+ /root/' \
  --filter='+ /root/**' \
  --filter='+ /usr/' \
  --filter='+ /usr/local/' \
  --filter='+ /usr/local/scripts/' \
  --filter='+ /usr/local/scripts/**' \
  --filter='- /**' \
  --backup --backup-dir=../$incremental \
  $HOST:/ $dir

ssh -l $USER -i $HOST-id_dsa $HOST "/usr/bin/dpkg --get-selections" > $dumps/dpkg--get-selections.txt

ssh -l $USER -i $HOST-id_dsa $HOST "mysqldump --all-databases --password=$MYSQLPASS | gzip" > $dumps/all-databases.sql.gz

Backup remote server (rsyncd - no root ssh)

(Without root ssh access available - /etc/ssh/sshd_config with "PermitRootLogin no")


        comment = from root
        path = /
        read only = yes
        list = yes
        uid = root
        gid = root
        strict modes = yes
        hosts allow = gacq.com
        ignore errors = no
        ignore nonreadable = yes
        transfer logging = no
        timeout = 600
        refuse options = checksum dry-run
        dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.rpm *.deb *.iso *.bz2 *.tbz

script (rsyncd)

# Configuration:

date=`date +%F_%T | tr \: _`

mkdir -p $dir
mkdir -p $incremental
mkdir -p $dumps

rsync -azvh \
  --delete \
  --max-size=50M \
  --bwlimit=200 \
  --progress \
  --filter='+ /etc/' \
  --filter='+ /etc/**' \
  --filter='+ /root/' \
  --filter='+ /root/**' \
  --filter='+ /home/' \
  --filter='+ /home/**' \
  --filter='+ /usr/' \
  --filter='+ /usr/local/' \
  --filter='+ /usr/local/scripts/' \
  --filter='+ /usr/local/scripts/**' \
  --filter='- /**' \
  --backup --backup-dir=../$incremental \
  $HOST::all $dir

ssh -l $USER -i $HOST-id_dsa $HOST "/usr/bin/dpkg --get-selections" > $dumps/dpkg--get-selections.txt

ssh -l $USER -i $HOST-id_dsa $HOST "mysqldump --all-databases --password=$MYSQLPASS | gzip" > $dumps/all-databases.sql.gz

NO root ssh access (and) NO rsyncd installed on remote host

Put ssh user in the necesaries systems groups

Diferences between ryncd and ssh

add/remove this

-e "ssh -l $USER -i $HOST-id_dsa"

and change the source

for rsyncd use:

$HOST::all $dir

for ssh use:

$HOST:/ $dir

duplicating systems with sync

rsync -v -r -p -o -g -D -t -S -l -H \
--exclude /mnt/   \
--exclude /proc/ \
--exclude /tmp/ \
--exclude /home/ / /mnt/fireball/

Boot from a CD-ROM and mount the target-disk. Fix fstab and lilo.conf. Create /mnt and /proc and set the right permissions (for this directories). Then run lilo and reboot. Next time you run rsync, add these option to the command-line:

--exclude /etc/fstab \
--exclude /etc/lilo.conf \