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Revisión del 17:49 27 jul 2006


Instalacion de drivers de ndivia como .deb en SID

Receta en 6 pasos

apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common module-assistant
m-a prepare
m-a a-i -i -t -f nvidia-kernel
depmod -a
apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-glx-dev xserver-xorg
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (solo la primera vez)

Otra manera

Note: As of this time, there are NO nvidia drivers in sarge. You would have to add sid sources to your sources.list and pin the system to sarge to get access to the nvidia drivers. I will try to add this information later. For now it still applies to woody and sid.

Step 0: Cleaning up the mess from nvidia's installer (if you used it first)

Make sure to remove all the garbage created by the nvidia installer, since it places files in different locations, and may cause problems even after following these instructions. It is supposed to have an uninstall option. Something like: nvidia-installer --uninstall should do it. I have not used it myself, since doing it this way is so simple and works very well, and of course: It is `The Debian Way'. The --uninstall option should remove everything it installed (At least I hope so.)

Do NOT try to mix and match with the debian packages and the nvidia installer. They do not get along, they don't agree on where files should go or how just about anything should be done. It's one way or the other. To do it right the Debian way, all traces of the nvidia installer has to go.

For people running sarge or sid: Ensure you have main contrib non-free in your /etc/apt/sources.list since the nvidia drivers are in non-free and some of the helpers are in contrib

# Como root
apt-get update
apt-get install nvidia-kernel-source nvidia-kernel-common
apt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -r`
export KVERS=`uname -r`
export KSRC=/usr/src/kernel-headers-`uname -r`
cd /usr/src
tar xvzf nvidia-kernel-source.tar.gz
cd modules/nvidia-kernel
debian/rules binary_modules
cd ..
dpkg -i nvidia-kernel-`uname -r`*deb
depmod -a
apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-glx-dev xserver-xfree86
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86

Select nvidia instead of nv as your driver

Keep in mind that whenever a new version of the nvidia driver comes out, or whenever you upgrade to a newer kernel, you will have to go through these steps again to build the nvidia kernel module to match the new driver and/or new kernel.

Notes: If the nvidia modules doesn't load automatically and the X server complains about it, add 'nvidia' to /etc/modules to make it auto load on boot.

When upgrading, the simplest is to reboot afterwards to make sure X and the kernel module are using the same version. You could also stop X, rmmod nvidia, modprobe nvidia, start X again.

Cómo tiene que quedar la configuracion del X

Section "Module"
        Load    "glx"
        Load    "bitmap"
        Load    "dbe"
        Load    "ddc"
        Load    "dri"
        Load    "extmod"
        Load    "freetype"
        Load    "int10"
        Load    "record"
        Load    "speedo"
        Load    "type1"
        Load    "vbe"

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Generic Video Card"
        Driver          "nvidia"
#aca se pueden poner parametros a la placa de video
#como por ejemplo activar la salida de TV
#leer doc de nVidia
        BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"

Las fotos se ven muy oscuras aunque subo el brillo al 100 %

Aparentemente esto pasa con algunos monitores viejos, para corregirlo se puede calibrar el monitor con xgamma que viene con el paquete xbase-clients. Para hacerlo mas facil recomiendo usar el panel de control del driver nvidia (Paquete nvidia-settings)