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(Herramientas basicas)
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Revisión del 23:23 12 sep 2006


Monitoreo: Dícese del arte de torear monos. El arte de convertir monos en toros

Herramientas basicas



con analisis positivos


Herramientas, comparativas


Sistemas de gran escala

 Ganglia is a scalable distributed monitoring system for high-performance computing systems such as clusters and Grids

Algunas de las herramientas disponibles, solo una seleccion de las mejores


La pagina de ejemplo la encontramos en:


Para poder usar el probe de http hay que instalar a mano:

apt-get install echoping

Editar a mano



man smokeping_config

Como leer los graficos

  • The median value is expressed with a horizontal, coloured line piece at the time the packets were send.
  • The # packets lost are expressed with the colour of the line piece.
  • The distribution of the Round-Trip-Times in the set of packets send are expressed with a vertical set of gray blocks, where the blackness of a block is an indication for the # packets in the sample bin, expressed by the height of the block. The gray blocks are of course only drawn when the distribution of Round-Trip-Times is observable from within the resolution of the ping command and / or the vertical RTT scale.


NAGIOS has a Windows client you can install and report on standard services such as Event Logs alerts, CPU/Mem/Disk Usage etc. And monitor standard TCP services. You can also run syslog-ng on Windows and send all event log info to your Linux syslog.



MRTG can be used not only for bandwidth metering. We can configure MRTG to monitor server/router CPU, memory, uptime, TCP connections and a lot of other parameters. On MS Windows MRTG can be configured to keep track on any of system counters (disk usage, memory usage. Please fill in online form if you are interested in additional information. from http://www.farpost.com/windows_mrtg_setup.php#q7







apt-get install snmpd snmp editar /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf y modificar #com2sec paranoid default public com2sec readonly public #com2sec readwrite default private y /etc/init.d/snmpd restart

Sensores del sistema


apt-get install lm-sensors

Seguir las instrucciones y copiar los modulos como dice http://vctrsnts.dyndns.org/index.php?deb=articulos

Discos S.M.A.R.T.

apt-get install smartmontools
# habilitarlo en
vi /etc/default/smartmontools
/etc/init.d/smartmontools start
# ver que descubrio
tail -30 /var/log/syslog

Por ahora no hay soporte a SATA If you ever tried to use smartctl to read info from your SATA drive, it will fail because libata doesn't yet support the needed ATA-passthrough ioctl() calls. Jeff Garzik, the developer of libata, says it will support it in the future. In the meantime you can apply a patch, and use libata-dev. The libata patchset can be acquired from http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/jgarzik/libata/ , and after you install it, you can use smartctl to read SMART info from SATA device. However you must specify, on the command line, option "-d ata"

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