Infraestructure Management

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eSourcing Capability Model: A Measure of High Performance Carnegie Mellon University, Accenture and a small industry consortium collaborated to create a model for rating and certifying companies that provide IT-enabled outsourcing services. A renowned leader in creating quality models, Carnegie Mellon provided its discipline and know-how, while Accenture, a recognized pioneer and innovator in the outsourcing industry, brought the breadth and depth of its expertise in outsourcing, delivery and process. The result? The eSourcing Capability Model for Service Providers (eSCM SP)—a set of essential and desirable practices for outsourcing providers that addresses the complete process lifecycle and encourages providers to innovate. Including 84 practices, version 2 of the model was released in 2004 to provide a much-needed standard for companies to compare and evaluate outsourcing providers against a consistent set of criteria.

Configuration Management

Aset management

Service Desk

Integrated solutions

