Diferencia entre revisiones de «Rsync»

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Línea 12: Línea 12:
--exclude /etc/lilo.conf \
--exclude /etc/lilo.conf \
Duplicando discos sobre la red
#dd if=/dev/hda bs=10k | ssh <IP_DESTINO> dd of=/dev/hda bs=10k

Revisión del 22:00 19 ago 2006

Duplicando una maquina con rsync

rsync -v -r -p -o -g -D -t -S -l -H \
--exclude /mnt/   \
--exclude /proc/ \
--exclude /tmp/ \
--exclude /home/ / /mnt/fireball/

Boot from a CD-ROM and mount the target-disk. Fix fstab and lilo.conf. Create /mnt and /proc and set the right permissions (for this directories). Then run lilo and reboot. Next time you run rsync, add these option to the command-line:

--exclude /etc/fstab \
--exclude /etc/lilo.conf \