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(*) Starred explanations indicate that the operator requires integer arguments.

Revisión actual del 18:44 30 nov 2006



(*) Starred explanations indicate that the operator requires integer arguments.


The following is a list of all the unary operators and their usages:

         Symbol      Example    Explanation
           -           -a          unary minus
           +           +a          unary plus (no-operation)
           ~           ~a        * one's complement
           !           !a        * logical negation
           !           a!        * factorial
           $           $3        * call arg/column during using manipulation


The following is a list of all the binary operators and their usages:

         Symbol       Example      Explanation
           **          a**b          exponentiation
           *           a*b           multiplication
           /           a/b           division
           %           a%b         * modulo
           +           a+b           addition
           -           a-b           subtraction
           ==          a==b          equality
           !=          a!=b          inequality
           <           a<b           less than
           <=          a<=b          less than or equal to
           >           a>b           greater than
           >=          a>=b          greater than or equal to
           &           a&b         * bitwise AND
           ^           a^b         * bitwise exclusive OR
           |           a|b         * bitwise inclusive OR
           &&          a&&b        * logical AND
           ||          a||b        * logical OR


There is a single ternary operator:

         Symbol       Example      Explanation
           ?:          a?b:c     ternary operation

3D graph

set contour base
set isosamples 40,40
splot (sin(x)*sin(y))/(x*y)


Varios graficos en uno

set multiplot

Ver los ejes de coordenadas

set zeroaxis
set xtics axis
set ytics axis